Hey!Say!Jump! Membros

Kota Yabu

Kota Yabu  is the oldest of the "10 cuttiees with amazing voices" he is like the older brother of Hey!Say!Jump!! He has 4 nicknames: Yabu chan, Yabucchi, Yappi, Kou chan. He´s birthday is on January 31, 1990 (He is quarium![cutieee]) he´s height is 178cm and he has 56Kg. He´s shoe size is 26.5cm and his blood type is A, he´s admired senior is Domoto Koichi, and he´s admired person is Johnny Deep. He likes to collect Cd´s and his fav colour is red [Kawaii red = love :P]  He doesnt like blue...His fav. food is curry rice, Oden, Boiled fish ...he doesnt like tomatoes and cucumber[How cute is that???] He´s fav. sport is soccer and his fav taste is sour things. His best subject is English [You gooo boy !!!] and he´s weak subject is Maths [Just like me uauhhh :P] He likes newborn kittens [hooo cuttiee] and his hobby is to listen music. His speciality is soccer [Im so not goos at soccer!!] his good point is that he can concentrate himself for a short amount of time. ATTENTION TO ALL GIRLS THAT LOVE YABU KOTA! his fav. type of girl is one that is cute and not too loud [Hope you are the perfect one =)=)=)] He wants to go to Europe, Spain and he has been in America, Hawaii, Taiwan ad Thailand.

Yuya Takaki

Yuya Takaki is the second oldes in Hey! Say! JUMP! He has 3 nicknames: Taka chan, Takaki-kun and Yuuyan. He´s birthday is on march 26, 1990 [He is Aries Kawaii :D] He´s height is   175cm and 53Kg for weight. He´s blood type is O. He´s  fav. colour is orange [nice choice :P] He´s fav. food is hamburger. He´s favourite Hobby is cooking [how cool is that? i love to cook 2 :P:P]  He´s favourite sport is baskteball [I am like the worst at basketball =(] He likes English and he´s charming point is the lips. Now ATTENTION TO ALL THE GIRL THAT LOVE YUYA TAKAKI! His favourite type of girl is a girl who is funny and he can have fun with [hopy your lucky :D:D:D] He´s weak point is that he is scared of bugs and pigeons! He is living with he´s dad his mum a little bro and a little sis. [cuttiee, cuttiee, cuttiee!]

Kei Inoo

Kei Inoo is the 3rd oldest member of Hey! Say! JUMP! He has one nickname and that is Inoo-chan! Its a easie one right? His birthday is on June 22, 1990! [I really think in the top picture his face looks cute! what do you think?] He´s height is 173cm and 50Kg for weight! He´s blood type is A and his fav. colour is blue sky [that is such a cute colour!] His hobbies are Basketball, Drawing [just like me kawaii :D] Guitar and Piano [i mean i just love the sound of the piano] i dont know what his charming point is but i know something that you might wanna know so can i please have the ATTENTION OF ALL THE GIRL WHO LIKE KEI INOO! His fav. type of girls its the kind of girl that is cute and at the same time kind! [ hooohooo hope you are cute and kind good luck!!!!]  He has two dogs named Jam and ann, and he is a closer friend to Kota Yabu, Hikaru Yaotome and Arioka Daiki! He was also the leader of JJ Express hooo yes i forgot something his fav. food is rice and curry [i love rice but not really curry :S :S]

Hikaru Yaotome

Hikaru Yaotome is the 4th oldest member fo Hey! Say! JUMP! He was a member of Hey Say BEST before! He has 2 nicknames: Hikaru and Tome-san. His birthday is on December 2, 1990 [so he is Sagittarius how cuteee?] His height is 172cm and 52Kg for weight!  His blood type is O and his fav. colours are Brown, White, Black and Blue [ loadss of colours!! lol i only have about 3! lol] Sorry i dont know what he likes to do but i promess i wil find out just for you!!  But i know he is afraid of cats!! And his fav. movie its Titanic [i HATE that movie it makes me cry everytime i see it] His fav. subject its Health?? [i dont know if they have something like that in their school, well i dont] and he hates maths! [join the group ^^] Now his charming point in a interview he sai the following: " Eyes that clearly tell they are black!"  [hope you have black eyes!! well i dont!!] His fav. emoticon is HEARTS!! [OMG cutieee] he says that he always sends hearts when he is texting and he doesnt care if it is to a boy or a girl! He spends his break time simply slepping  and his longest phone conversation was 2h and 30m!! Now the moment all the girl were waiting for ATTENTION TO ALL GIRLS THAT LIKE HIKARU his fav. type of girl is the type like curious mind with vitality! [hope your lucky lucky!!! huhuhuhhu lucky!!] His ideal kiss situation is looking at the ocean  [now that is what i call romantic!!]